The Cultural Landscape of Germany
If culture is a whole then language is a vital part, knowledge of both guarantees a place in the people’s heart. Imagine you are in a foreign land engrossed in your work, a passerby speaks your native language. The sweet sound of your native language would make your work take the back seat, you go into a trance as each word sounds like a musical beat. I presume many of you have been through this experience. When you go to any country, prior knowledge of their customs, traditions, norms would help you in a great way and save you from embarrassing situations. Your proficiency over the language is evaluated when you communicate verbally, while acquaintance with the culture faces the litmus test every single moment you spend in that country. The knowledge of culture earns greater acceptance and respect along with economic wealth In order to know the culture you don’t have to put in the hard yards, it’s a gradual journey all you need is a simple ABCDE. Acquaintance of Beliefs, Customs, Dressing and Eating Habits. . This article attempts to give you a sneak preview into these aspects The English speakers call this country Germany while the Germans call it Deutschland . The main religion of the people in the country is Christianity, however people from other nationalities and religions coexist harmoniously. When you reach a particular place, you look to satisfy your belly and quench your thirst naturally. That’s the question to address first. Whether you are vegetarian, non-vegetarian or vegan, you have a plethora of choices. Wurst, which means sausages in German, are an important part of the German cuisine, which are made of pork, beef or veal and flavored differently. Germany takes pride in its long tradition of bread making of various sizes and colors. They also drink a lot of beer. They are the second largest beer consumers in Europe after Czech. After the food for the belly, it’s time for some food for thought. Germany is one of the leading nations when it comes to reading habits. The International Frankfurt Book Fair, which is the most important book event in the world, is held in Germany. According to a research conducted by Allensbach Media Market Analysis, 44.6% of the German population read a book at least once a week. Germans value time and take care of each other. For instance if a person finds something in the park. He or she would tie the thing to the lowest branch of the tree so that finding it is not a problem when the real owner tries to retrace it. If punctuality and care are values dear to you would be a good fit This article has given a glimpse of the cultural aspects of Germany, it is only the tip of the iceberg, there is more to explore and you can do that the day you travel to this culturally unique destination. I leave you with a blank sheet of paper to express your views.